2. Create Knowledge

Competency 2: 
Create Knowledge

Creating knowledge demonstrates how I am able to use and evaluate educational research to help solve instructional design and human performance technology problems.


Sub-competency 1: 
Demonstrates ability to describe common research methods in Educational Technology

In my EDCI 51300 course, I used the research findings of The Gallup Student Poll (2016) to form a key issue facing many of educators and students. The data from the poll showed that enthusiasm and engagement start declining in the 5th grade up to the 11th grade. From this data, I was able to describe and visually represent the data for analysis and recommendations. Another area I researched was based on research I performed using Digital Badges. By presenting the findings of an article written by the Alliance for Excellent Education (2013), I was able to demonstrate how digital badges engage learners in “critical thinking, communication, and collaboration” expanding skills and knowledge thus “providing more options and opportunities for lifelong learning” (p. 2).
EDCI 51300 Final Paper

Sub-competency 2: 
Demonstrates the ability to read and evaluate Educational 
Technology research

My papers from EDCI 51300 and EDCI 53100 provided opportunities to read and evaluate many great authors who are thought leaders in Educational Technology and Learning Theories. In my paper for EDCI 51300, I concluded with a section on the Makers and Producers of Connected Learning. This section was devoted to the Instructional Designers and Educators who are providing real value to people every day using digital media and artful design. In particular, I was drawn to the words of Dempsey & Van Eck (2012) who wrote: “Instructional design at its best simply creates order in the sense of creating a rich environment where learning can take place” (p.285).

In my research for my training package for EDCI 53100, I was able to research what learning theories are applied and how the learning conditions take place in the unique venue of a robotics club. Understanding this demonstrates how I am able to read the Educational Technology research and evaluate it for effectiveness and implementation.
EDCI 53100 Training Package

Sub-competency 3: 
Applies findings to the solution of common problems in 
Educational Technology

In my EDCI 51300 course, I was able to step outside my area of specialty and research a common problem facing many institutions today and that is distraction and disengagement in youth education. By collecting together different perspectives and research findings, I was able to identify four key areas that seem to be making a huge difference in the area of disengagement. In my robotics club, I have implemented several of the research findings I read and I find the recipe for successful engagement for my student team members is often found through hands-on activities and limited presentations. Applying the research from Roc (2014) and others, I am able to connect my learners to educational opportunities and experiences that are relevant and interesting to them.
EDCI 51300 Final Paper

Competency Reflection

Over the past year, I have read many great books on learning design and educational technology and I have learned so much in such a short period of time. I look at my technical library and I see real value from the readings and experiences in completing this coursework. I plan to put this knowledge to good work and make a positive impact on my team, my learners, and my career.


Alliance for Excellence in Education (2013, Aug). Expanding education and workforce opportunities through digital badges. Retrieved from: http://10mbetterfutures.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/Expanding-Workforce-and-Education-Opportunities-through-digital-badges.pdf

Dempsey, J.V., & Van Eck, R. (2010). E-Learning and Instructional Design. In R. Reiser & J.V. Dempsey (Ed.), Trends and Issues in Instructional Design and Technology (pp. 82-107). (pp. 282-284). Boston: Pearson.

Gallup (2016). 2016 Gallup student poll snapshot report. GALLUP. Retrieved from: http://www.gallup.com/reports/210995/gallup-student-poll-snapshot-report-2016.aspx

Roc, M. (2014, Mar). Connected learning: harnessing the information age to make learning more powerful. Alliance for Excellent Education. Retrieved from: http://all4ed.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/ConnectedLearning.pdf
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