This is an example highlight video created for the Tennessee Robotics Club 2018-2019 Season Highlights.
This is an example tournament video created for the Tennessee Robotics Club Red Rover.
This is an example highlight video created for the Tennessee Robotics Club 2019 TVA Robotics Demonstration.
This is an example highlight video created for the Tennessee Robotics Club 2020 Champion Robot 'Big Red".
This is an example highlight video created for the Tennessee Robotics Club 2019-2020 Season Highlights.
This is an example tournament video created for the Tennessee Robotics Club FTC Championship in 2020.
This is final example was created for my son Ben who is our first FIRST Alumni.
He graduated in 2020 and is currently studying Aerospace Engineering at University of Alabama Huntsville (UAH).
The video was edited on top of one my favorite NASA videos: We Persevere.
Ben's dream is to work for NASA after he graduates.
Original NASA Video:
TRC Education makes giants leaps possible by providing Technology, Robotics, and Computer Science Education for students to build 21st-century digital age skills empowering them to learn beyond boundaries and pursue education and technical careers. Our mission is to provide opportunities for students of all backgrounds and interests to learn, grow, and explore 21st-century career paths and learning opportunities.