Utilizing an Experiential Learning approach in this lesson plan, students gain an appreciation for the rapid prototyping process by implementing the four stages of experiential learning defined by Kolb (Clark, 2011):
-Concrete learning (feeling)
-Conceptualization (thinking)
-Experimentation (doing)
-Reflection (watching)
Using an Experiential Learning approach to learn the value of prototyping is best demonstrated through an iterative cycle of hands-on learning and experience. Utilizing various tools and resources, team members will be able to prototype their designs while also following the engineering design cycle.
Microsoft Word
Fusion 360
Articulate RISE 360
TRC Education makes giants leaps possible by providing Technology, Robotics, and Computer Science Education for students to build 21st-century digital age skills empowering them to learn beyond boundaries and pursue education and technical careers. Our mission is to provide opportunities for students of all backgrounds and interests to learn, grow, and explore 21st-century career paths and learning opportunities.