Space Launch System (SLS) will be NASA’s most powerful rocket ever built. When it’s completed in the coming year, SLS will launch astronauts to the Moon, deep space, and eventually to Mars exploring parts of the solar system where humans have never been. SLS begins a new era in deep space exploration serving a bold new mission for NASA and the rest of the world.
The overall process started by thinking about the SLS project as a whole and the many stages that are happening concurrently. It is a very complex operation and there are abundant resources with great information available on NASA’s website to put together several courses if needed. I tried to stick to the basics for someone who would be interested in learning more about the SLS rocket but not overwhelmed by the science of its development.
One of the key decisions for me was trying to incorporate video and interactive infographics where possible to help explain the complexity of the project in a visually appealing way for younger learners who grew up viewing digital media like YouTube.
Another key decision was to include an Engineering Connection activity to get insights from actual NASA engineers and incorporate these into a reflective activity for an Engineering Journal entry. Lastly, I included a Learning Challenge in each module to help reinforce the Learning Objectives for that section.
Note: The course content was curated from the NASA STEM Education website for educational and demo purposes.
Articulate 360
Articulate Storyline 3
Articulate Rise
Adobe Premiere Pro CC
Adobe Photoshop CC
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